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At First Independent Bank, we provide the most competitive rates for our checking and savings account customers. 

Annual Percentage Yield is accurate as of 08/01/2024 - Subject to change. 


Interest Rate

Annual Percentage Yield

Regular Checking 0% 0%

Investment Checking
Minimum Balance Requirement of $1500

$1,500.00-$9,999.99 .05% .05%
$10,000-$19,999.99 .17% .17% 
$20,000 and over .25% .25% 

Business Advantage Checking
Minimum Balance Requirement of $3000

$3,000-$49,999.00 2.50% 2.53%
$50,000-$149,999.99 2.50% 2.53% 
$150,000 and over 2.50% 2.53%  
Statement Savings (compounds quarterly) .25%  .25%
Investment Savings
$5000 minimum deposit
$0.00-$4,999.99 .25% .25%
$5,000-$24,999.99 .35% .35%
$25,000-$74,999.99 .50% .50%
$75,000 - $249,999.99 1.00% 1.01%
$250,000 - $499,999.99 1.50% 1.51%
$500,000 and over 2.50% 2.53%

CD/IRA Interest Rates

Interest Rate Disclosure:
At our discretion, we may change the interest on these accounts. Fees could reduce earnings on these accounts.